Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Time Elegance

Orchids for Summer - in Gold and Silver and such a perfect price you will have to have both.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Oh dear - the sun has slipped away again, making me think spring will never come to our little coastal town...but at least in the studio the gemstones and crystals are starting to take on a pastel hue.

The Designer

Mom, writer, designer, business woman, naturalist, day dreamer....and so much more. I'm a bit camera shy, adore chocolate and raisins, can't live without the open sea or my music collection. My husband and I are the adventuresome sort and create while we play -my studio is his design and works like a charm.

I've been creating odd bits of art and clothing since the age of nine when I designed a new Victorian wardrobe for my sister's raggedy Ann doll that was complete with hand stitched pearl trim. I get art attacks in the middle of the night and rush off to the studio to sketch or pull out pliers and get right to work. My guy calls that manic - I call it life - he just laughs and rolls over, happy to have the covers back!

Currently we call Washington home but are saving for a new boat that can take us and our many munchkins around the world. We both want to explore everywhere and everything, adding to our art as we travel.

And if you wanted to know - Yes, I would repel down the Eiffel tower if that were possible and No, I wouldn't swim the English channel. I'm adventuresome but simply don't like the cold.

Vintage OOAK

Vintage redone - these pieces take some of our favorite plated filigree pieces and combine them with unique beads to create vintage Victorian feel. Order your OOAK piece custom suited to your theme and wardrobe. Jsut stop by our Etsy shop at right to get in touch with me. Thank you.

Alice is Back

I was just asked to make a few Alice in Wonderland pieces for a boutique in Paris - these are a few of my favorites.

Art you can wear

A few of our OOAK pieces featuring handmade cameos of vintage art and photography.

Altered Couture Brooches

Our brooches were featured in Altered Couture - so much fun to make and see in print. If you would like a OOAK brooch for yourself just stop by our etsy shop and put in a request - I will make one just for you!